
The tests of the xmlschema library are implemented using the Python’s unitest library. From version v1.1.0 the test scripts have been moved into the directory tests/ of the source distribution. Only a small subpackage extras/testing/, containing a specialized UnitTest subclass, a factory and builders for creating test classes for XSD and XML file, has been left into the package’s code.

Test scripts

There are several test scripts, each one for a different target. These scripts can be run individually or by the unittest module. For example to run XPath tests through the unittest module use the command:

$ python -m unittest -k tests.test_xpath
Ran 10 tests in 0.133s


The same run can be launched with the command $ python tests/test_xpath.py but an additional header, containing info about the package location, the Python version and the machine platform, is displayed before running the tests.

Under the base directory tests/ there are the test scripts for the base modules of the package. The subdirectory tests/validators includes tests for XSD validators building (schemas and their components) and the subdirectory tests/validation contains tests validation of XSD/XML and decoding/encoding of XML files.

To run all tests use the command python -m unittest `. Also, the script *test_all.py* can launched during development to run all the tests except memory and packaging tests. From the project source base, if you have the *tox automation tool* installed, you can run all tests with all supported Python’s versions using the command ``tox`.

Test cases based on files

Three scripts (test_all.py, test_schemas.py, test_validation.py) create many tests dinamically, building test classes from a set of XSD/XML files. Only a small set of test files is published in the repository for copyright reasons. You can find the repository test files into tests/test_cases/ subdirectory.

You can locally extend the test with your set of files. For doing this create a submodule or a directory outside the repository directory and then copy your XSD/XML files into it. Create an index file called testfiles into the base directory were you put your cases and fill it with the list of paths of files you want to be tested, one per line, as in the following example:


# Quantum Espresso
qe/silicon-1_error.xml --errors 1
qe/silicon-3_errors.xml --errors=3
qe/SrTiO_3-2_errors.xml --errors 2

The test scripts create a test for each listed file, dependant from the context. For example the script test_schemas.py uses only .xsd files, where instead the script tests_validation.py uses only .xml files.

If a file has errors insert an integer number after the path. This is the number of errors that the XML Schema validator have to found to pass the test.

From version 1.0.0 each test-case line is parsed for those additional arguments:


Schema location hint overrides.


XSD schema version to use for the test case (default is 1.0).


Number of errors expected (default=0).


Number of warnings expected (default=0).


Inspect using an observed custom schema class.

–defuse=(always, remote, never)

Define when to use the defused XML data loaders.


Timeout for fetching resources (default=300).


Use lax mode on encode checks (for cases where test data uses default or fixed values or some test data are skipped by wildcards processContents). Ignored on schema tests.


Activate the debug mode (only the cases with –debug are executed).


Test code generation with XML data bindings module.

If you put a --help on the first case line the argument parser show you all the options available.

To run tests with also your personal set of files you have provide the path to your custom testfile, index, for example:

python xmlschema/tests/test_all.py ../extra-schemas/testfiles

Testing with the W3C XML Schema 1.1 test suite

From release v1.0.11, using the script test_w3c_suite.py, you can run also tests based on the W3C XML Schema 1.1 test suite. To run these tests clone the W3C repo on the project’s parent directory and than run the script:

git clone https://github.com/w3c/xsdtests.git
python xmlschema/xmlschema/tests/test_w3c_suite.py

You can also provides additional options for select a subset of W3C tests, run test_w3_suite.py --help to show available options.

Direct testing of schemas and instances

From release v1.0.12, using the script test_files.py, you can test schemas or XML instances passing them as arguments:

$ cd tests/
$ python test_files.py test_cases/examples/vehicles/*.xsd
Add test 'TestSchema001' for file 'test_cases/examples/vehicles/bikes.xsd' ...
Add test 'TestSchema002' for file 'test_cases/examples/vehicles/cars.xsd' ...
Add test 'TestSchema003' for file 'test_cases/examples/vehicles/types.xsd' ...
Add test 'TestSchema004' for file 'test_cases/examples/vehicles/vehicles-max.xsd' ...
Add test 'TestSchema005' for file 'test_cases/examples/vehicles/vehicles.xsd' ...
Ran 5 tests in 0.147s